Sunday, April 30, 2006

And so it begins...

I've resisted starting a blog for a while now. After all, who wants to read about the mundane things that happen in the course of life, or worse, hear about the innane musings inside someone's head? And yet, here I am. Which of course, begs the question of why?

No, I didn't develop delusions of grandeur - I know that I am not really that interesting. But I've realized that keeping in touch with friends and family is sometimes difficult these days. And with a new addition to the family, friends scattered accross the country, and my frequent travel away from my family, I thought that it was high time to get on the blogwagon. Besides, I didn't want to be the last person on earth to have one.

Since Hollis keeps tabs on our family situation on her blog, I thought it best to somewhat limit the scope of my blog. This will not be a "This is my life" blog. It's too much work to keep up, and nobody cares anyways. As the title may clue you in to, in this space I hope to share with everyone my experiences with and passion for food. I'll also throw in some travel stuff that may be interesting.

So hopefully this blog won't suck. I'll do my best to keep it real. Hopefully it will be interesting and educational - but in a good way. Come back soon!


Karyn said...

Pork is not my friend, but you know what is my friend?


Anonymous said...

I am glad you have joined us! I will be an avid reader. -Jessica

Anonymous said...

There is no use resisting...blogging is addictive! :) Culinary exploits are always appreciated, but especially forays into the wide world of pork (round 3 of the pork chop experiment are currently underway).